Tuesday, 28 July 2015

8 Lessons Learned Studying World-Class Achievers

studied different world class professionals and brought us eight (8) wonderful lessons we should learn from their way of living. Such lessons include:

1. They live a disciplined life.

2. They are always on a mission. They always have a goal in mind.

3. Those who aspire to achieve world-class status are intimately aware of how precious each day is and know better than to waste a second.

4. They are always different and think differently.

5. They have a frightening and compelling goals.

6. They turn setbacks into comebacks.  The world-class have a resiliency that is simply on a different level than most. They have the ability to treat setbacks as part of the process -- merely roadblocks that are never impassible.

7. They never arrive.They never allow themselves to fall for the “I’ve arrived” trap. They keep their eyes fixed on the prize.

8. Finally, they care less about what others think.

 Read the full article through the link

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