Tuesday, 25 August 2015


Is there a failure? That is not the end of everything. The best path for failures is to effectively manage them. Shimonkepha Onwuneme stated five questions you can ask so as to manage the failures. They include:
  • What symptoms are present? A first step for adequate troubleshooting
  •  What actually happened?
  • Why did it happen?
  • How was it solved? this is asked after the solution has been found.
  • How do we prevent further occurrence?

Read the full article at:


Saturday, 15 August 2015

Why Great Ideas/Changes Meet Resistance and How to Overcome

You are in a team ( possibly the leader) or a manager and you have a great idea you would like to implement. That idea is a great one and can bring about increase in profit, better working conditions and improved processes. It is always more of a shock when the team members or subordinates or even managers get to oppose such idea. Though there are quite a number of reasons why but Shimonkepha Onwuneme gave the main reason as missing out certain ingredients in communicating the idea.
The ingredients include:
1. Leaving out communicating how the idea will be useful to them personally. Just as Dale Carnegie stated in How to Win Friends and Influence People, many people do only think of how they can benefit personally and when you communicate the idea that way, they will easily embrace it. See an example as stated by Shimonkepha Onwuneme in the article.
2. Dividing the team in order to conquer them. As a leader, know the major players in your team: the people who are well respected in the team (they might even be the least ranked), the people who speak out most and the ones that do always challenge every idea. Meet them personally and try to convince them before pushing the idea out and life will be made easier.

Read the full article in:  https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-great-ideaschanges-meet-resistance-how-overcome-onwuneme?trk=mp-author-card

How to start a business with no experience!

Richard Branson argues the fact that you must not have an experience in an area before starting up a business in it. Having experience is good but not having should not be a barrier. 
The major thing you need in every opportunity is to create something different or unique, fill a gap or loophole. Do not build a business just because others are building it or the sector is currently the most lucrative one. 
An example is the Virgin Airlines in which he had no much idea but started it to solve the problems of high cost of flights and poor quality of service. A great quote from him is this: "We succeeded because we didn’t just create another “me too” airline"
You too can do it! 

Monday, 10 August 2015

Thou shalt not fear failure (3)

Since we are afraid that we might fail,
we fail to try,
we fail to see the possibilities inherent and we fail to take the risk,
thus losing the beautiful prize at the end.

True Nobility

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Six Myths About Stress

From Psychcentral.com comes these six myths about stress. We, all, possibly do hold on these myths but one fact is that stress form an integral part of our everyday lives. The myths include:

Myth 1: Stress is the same for everybody.

Not the same things cause stress to all of us

Myth 2: Stress is always bad for you.

Stress is not bad when it is manageable but when out of hand it becomes a problem

Myth 3: Stress is everywhere, so you can’t do anything about it.

Effective planning and prioritizinng will surely debunk this myth

Myth 4: The most popular techniques for reducing stress are the best ones.

Everyone has a technique or two that works for him or her.

Myth 5: No symptoms, no stress.

"Many of us experience symptoms of stress in a very physical way, even though stress is a psychological effect. Feeling anxious, shortness of breath, or simply feeling run down all the time can all be physical signs of stress. Feeling overwhelmed, disorganized and having difficulty concentrating are common mental signs of stress."..psychcentral.com

Myth 6: Only major symptoms of stress require attention.

Overlooking minor symptoms can finally lead to the stress getting out of hand. The earlier the better.

Read more about this on: