Saturday, 15 August 2015

Why Great Ideas/Changes Meet Resistance and How to Overcome

You are in a team ( possibly the leader) or a manager and you have a great idea you would like to implement. That idea is a great one and can bring about increase in profit, better working conditions and improved processes. It is always more of a shock when the team members or subordinates or even managers get to oppose such idea. Though there are quite a number of reasons why but Shimonkepha Onwuneme gave the main reason as missing out certain ingredients in communicating the idea.
The ingredients include:
1. Leaving out communicating how the idea will be useful to them personally. Just as Dale Carnegie stated in How to Win Friends and Influence People, many people do only think of how they can benefit personally and when you communicate the idea that way, they will easily embrace it. See an example as stated by Shimonkepha Onwuneme in the article.
2. Dividing the team in order to conquer them. As a leader, know the major players in your team: the people who are well respected in the team (they might even be the least ranked), the people who speak out most and the ones that do always challenge every idea. Meet them personally and try to convince them before pushing the idea out and life will be made easier.

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