Tuesday, 22 December 2015


From Psychcentral.com comes this article from   titled  "8 Ways to Be a Better Partner in 2016". I prefer to remove the year in it because these are beautiful eight (8) ways that you can start even now in order to be a better partner. They are:

  1. Constantly Communicate. This is the most important in ANY relationship and do communicate positively more often.
  2. Do one thing everyday that will make your partner smile. It goes down in knowing what actually turns him or her on but the usual areas include: office phone calls to say "I love you", writing outdated love letters and sending to his/her office, surprise gifts and chores, etc.
  3. Do a household chore and do it together (as a team)
  4. Take your partner out for a date at least once a month. This is for both parties though this is usually forgotten as soon as marriage sets in and children interfere. Well, it is worthy to say that going on dates can also be for parent and child.
  5. Give your partner break for self care. Tell your partner to take a break while you take over his or her house chores or the partner can even go on vacations alone. I know of a couple who do go on different vacations alone at various points.
  6. Listen to your partner. Most times we think we are listening but go through this article and see if you actually do: ARE YOU LISTENING?
  7. Touch your partner. Not sexual but romantic: hold hands together, cling closely, massage each other, hugs and play like kids!
  8. Compliment each other AND do not be tired of doing this as often as possible.

Read more of the article on 8 Ways to Be a Better Partner in 2016

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