I could not help feel emotional after watching this video. I believe it will be worth it if every leader or manager could just go undercover to determine truly how his/her people feel towards the organization and his/her leadership.
In this video below Mitchelle Modell, the CEO of Modell's Sporting Goods goes undercover to have a first hand experience of what goes on in his company and he was shocked by what he discovered. Moreover, I was really impressed by what it means be truly dedicated employees no matter whatever the challenge is.
You know what? Do not ever let the situations control you, take responsibility of whatever the situation is.
Watch the video below:
"most of the management are clueless" employee to CEO
In this video below Mitchelle Modell, the CEO of Modell's Sporting Goods goes undercover to have a first hand experience of what goes on in his company and he was shocked by what he discovered. Moreover, I was really impressed by what it means be truly dedicated employees no matter whatever the challenge is.
You know what? Do not ever let the situations control you, take responsibility of whatever the situation is.
Watch the video below: